
Details of Technology for Group

Hosting & Domain

The group’s website is hosted on Hostinger. The domain name is also registered through Hostinger. Both the hosting and domain are setup to automatically renew to avoid a lapse and possible loss of the domain name. Mark Owkes has the login credentials.


The website is built using WordPress, which provides an accessible platform to build and maintain content and does not require coding knowledge.

Updating Content

Users with a editor or administrator role can edit and create pages, posts, and events. These users should see a bar at the top of the website and an “edit” link at the bottom of each page. To make an edit, click on “Bozeman Cohousing” on the bar at the top of the page or the edit button.

User Roles

Users can view the public portion of the website without registering. When a user registers (and is approved by an administrator), they are given the default subscriber role that allows them to view any of the blocked content. If needed, any registered members can be given a role to allow them to modify the website content (editor) or modify the theme, plugins, etc. (administrator)

Usernames can be changed on Hostinger by following these instructions (see Method 3):

Notes on Website

Many customization to the website have been made by modifying the file located at /public_html/wp-content/themes/striker/functions.php, which can be accessed through Hostinger’s File Manager. The customization include:

  • Removing the admin bar (toolbar) for subscribers (visible for editors and administrators)
  • Modify redirect page for wp-members when a new member registers
  • Redirect to homepage on logout
  • Add link to Forum FAQs to the Forum toolbar
  • Code to create the member’s list along with the shortcode [[members_list]]
  • Changed default image editor to GD

All other changes have been done directly through the WordPress theme and plugin settings.