Bozeman’s own Random Acts of Silliness treated visitors to Story Mill Park to a Menagerie of the Imaginary, filled with friendly, whimsical creatures!

Cedar Allison-Bunnell gets the recipe for Scottish Shortbread, offered by Woolbert, the baking blue mammoth
XC Skiing and Hockey
Enjoying some of Montana’s wide open spaces and natural beauty while traversing on skis and skates.

Raising these kiddos to be ready for playing outside no matter what the weather is easier to do in community. The kids quit complaining that it is only 5 degrees out and instead focus on racing each other to the top of the ski hill!
Ready, set, go! A beautiful, cold, fun day of cross country skiing in Yellowstone National Park with our soon to be neighbors. laying some fresh tracks on public land This seems like a good place to stop… erm… high centered Calcite Springs on the Yellowstone River in YNP
Not all cohousers are braving the Montana winter (yet!) — Brendan, Jane Lee currently call Hawai’i home, and recently took time to explore the Big Island and Volcanoes State Park. While Carol enjoys the balmy Colorado winter.
Waipi’o Valley on the Big Island Kilauea Volcano at night Carol’s Sassy Girl takes an icy swim in Colorado’s February waters! Hiking around the crater of Kilauea Volcano in Volcanoes National Park
Of course we like to enjoy some good old fashioned grillin’ and chillin’ in the chill.

Spontaneous winter cookout, campfire, and sledding with future cohousing neighbors at the Hyalite Pavilion. The kids braved the braved the cold and by rotating who was in front of the fire, we managed to keep everyone warm.
Ron & Jennifer cooking out – shortly before Ron left to go work on a movie. He works as a production sound mixer.