Anna and Marci making a shoebox float.
MSU Homecoming had a virtual parade instead of a real one due to COVID. Anna had a total blast getting glitter all over Marci’s office. 😂😂

Look who came to see the Bozeman Cohousing property! A mama black bear and her cub use the riparian corridor along Matthew Bird Spring Creek as they look for ripening fall fruits before the snow comes.

The Bozeman Cohousing official site plan modeled by Lochlan and Denali with Magnatiles and Playmobil.
Notice how the parking is clustered at the front of the property to make a safe place for children to play. The interior pathways allow neighbors to interact face-to-face instead of car-to-car. The small clusters of homes face each other to create smaller pods within the larger community. If you look closely you can see the goats, chickens, bunnies, dogs, and some wildlife.
🏆 💯

The Gallatin River!
Bozeman Cohousing members enjoy the many outdoor activities that southwest Montana has to offer including world class fly fishing, white water rafting, and rock throwing.

The Potato Harvest
When you live in community, the simple chore of harvesting becomes a festive event. Young and old gather to work, share a drink, and maybe make some music. Digging potatoes becomes a treasure hunt for children and a social event for the adults. Even if you’re not that passionate about gardening, your children can still participate in these types of community events. Perhaps you’re days of kneeling in the dirt are past, you can pull up a chair and enjoy the next generation’s delight. Potato, carrot, and onion harvesting, apple cider pressing, cherry pitting, or pea shelling. All these chores become festive when shared by the whole neighborhood.

Aurora had the chance to conquer the low ropes course at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp since the campers were gone. Online school does have some benefits…
🙌 💪